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    One of the most learned and highly trained American-born lamas in the Tibetan tradition introduces the healing insights of the Buddha, helping listeners discover peace, enlightenment, and spiritual revolution.
One of the most learned and highly trained American-born lamas in the Tibetan tradition introduces the healing insights of the Buddha, helping listeners discover peace, enlightenment, and spiritual revolution.
  • Buddha's gift: the Bodhisattva's active way of awakening
  • Living the good life
  • The transcendental gift of generosity
  • The impeccable virtue of ethical self-discipline
  • The transformative practice of patient forbearance
  • The power of heroic effort
  • The liberating power of mindfulness and meditation
  • The panacea of wisdom
  • The universal tool of skillful means
  • The profundity and vastness of spiritual aspirations
  • The magic of higher accomplishments
  • The perfection of awakened awareness
  • Spiritual revolution, enlightened leadership: prayer of accomplishing the Paramita virtues.