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    Published on the Occasion of the Eightieth Birth Anniversary of His Holiness the Supremem Patriarch of Thailand
Note: Published on the Occasion of the Eightieth Birth Anniversary of His Holiness the Supremem Patriarch of Thailand
  • The Five Sermon
  • The Four Noble Truths
  • Anattalakkhnasutta
  • Venerable Yasa
  • The Matted-Haired Hermits
  • The Second, Third and Fourth Rains Retreat Veluvana Grove, Rajagaha, King Bimbisara
  • Venerable Maha Kassapa
  • The Second, Third and Fourth Retreats, Veluvana Grove, Rajagaha
  • Rites for the Deceased (Dakkhinanupadana)
  • To the City of Kapilavatthu
  • The Social, Mundane Level of Dhamma
  • Some Disciples Ordained Within this Period
  • The Outstanding Physician : A Molehill Mountain
  • A Jig-Saw Puzzle
  • The Fifth Rains Retreat : Woman Ordination
  • Tolerance : the Buddha's Magnanimity Recollection of Past Lives
  • The Second and the Third Insight ; Self and Love
  • Self-Less Love : what the Buddha was Born for