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    A collection of passages from lectures by the Dalai Lama. The teacher who speaks here is not the Buddhist philosopher, nor the head of state of the Tibetan people, but the spiritual friend, the one with a sharp, compassionate, and humorous understanding of the human condition.
A collection of passages from lectures by the Dalai Lama. The teacher who speaks here is not the Buddhist philosopher, nor the head of state of the Tibetan people, but the spiritual friend, the one with a sharp, compassionate, and humorous understanding of the human condition.

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  • Part 1 An Exploration of Nagarjuna's
  • Part 2 An Exploration of Tsongkhapa's

    In this ground-breaking book, the Dalai Lama advises us to gain familiarity with the process and practices of death so that, when we are physically weak, our minds can still be focussed in the right direction, and in the right manner.
In this ground-breaking book, the Dalai Lama advises us to gain familiarity with the process and practices of death so that, when we are physically weak, our minds can still be focussed in the right direction, and in the right manner.

    The Dalai Lama presents his thoughts on such Buddhist principles as nurturing compassion, maintaining mental tranquility, developing wisdom, and refraining from doing harm.
The Dalai Lama presents his thoughts on such Buddhist principles as nurturing compassion, maintaining mental tranquility, developing wisdom, and refraining from doing harm.

    Following the massive success of THE ART OF HAPPINESS, the Dalai Lama & Howard Cutler now bring their bestselling message to our working lives.
Following the massive success of THE ART OF HAPPINESS, the Dalai Lama & Howard Cutler now bring their bestselling message to our working lives.
  • Transforming dissatisfaction at work
  • Human factor
  • Making money
  • Striking a balance: boredom and challenge
  • Job, career, and calling
  • Self-understanding
  • Work and identity
  • Right livelihood
  • Happiness at work